

You will need to click on the link to download the Zoom App to your smartphone or computer.


Topic: Free Trial Class

Time: 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Every week on Tuesday and Thursday

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 776 9470 7619

Password: 2rgtYS

Helpful Hints for Your First Zoom Meeting

You will be able to use a computer, phone or some tablets. For your first class, you will want to start a few minutes early to get set up.

  1. If you are using an iPad or phone, you will want to download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app. You can enter the meeting ID from the email, or click on the link to "join zoom meeting" for your rank and time, sent in the email: "Classes LIVE This Week on Zoom"


  1. If you are using a computer, click on the link to "join zoom meeting" for your rank and time, sent in the email: "Classes LIVE This Week on Zoom". You will be prompted to install the zoom app on your computer.
  2. When asked, choose to use "computer audio". Allow app to use mic and camera.
  3. You should be given a chance to test your audio.
  4. . You may need to wait for your instructor to start the class. You may see a message such as: "please wait for the host to start this meeting"
  5. If you want your instructor to see video of you, you can click "share video"
  6. If your instructor cannot hear you, you may need to unmute yourself.
  7. Once class is started, you will be muted, and your instructor will not be able to hear you. He or she will tell you when you may ask questions.
  8. If you want to see your instructor's video larger than the other students' videos, you can click on the instructor's video (there may be some dots for a menu), and choose "pin video"

For more questions, go to:

© 2013 Saline ATA Martial Arts

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Licensed School